Knit Your Socks on Straight: A New and Inventive Technique with Just Two Needles: 20 Original Designs by Alice Curtis (2013)

This book would’ve been more accurately titled: ‘Knit Your Socks on Straight: A New and Inventive Technique with Just Two Straight Needles [and a crochet hook, not that I know how to use one of those because if I did, I’d have picked up the book called ‘How to Crochet Some Goddamn Doily-Looking Socks]: 20 Original Designs [That Even Your Great-Grandmother Would Never Make or Wear Because They’re So Ugly]’.  A pointless book if you’re the sort of person who can’t figure out how to knit with one stick once you’re used to knitting with two (like me).

Sweater Girls: 20 Patterns for Starlet Sweaters, Retro Wraps & Glamour Knits by Madeline Weston and Rita Taylor (2012)

Me knitting... or trying to. The cat on my lap is kind of in the way. (Photo credit: Kathryn Walsh)

Me knitting… or trying to. The cat on my lap is kind of in the way. (Photo credit: Kathryn Walsh)

Yes, I am that girl who knits. And yes, I read books of knitting patterns. I was excited about this one too — ’30s/’40s/’50s styles are often right up my alley. But when I actually opened it up, I was super disappointed. So many of the pieces were straight-up ugly, and the few pretty ones had unnecessarily complicated patterns. There’s one I might try to attempt after I finish what I’m currently working on, but we’ll see.