Fine Cooking: Your Guide to Choosing & Preparing the Season’s Best by the editors and contributors of Fine Cooking (2011)

Yes, I read cookbooks.

I cook often, and I enjoy cooking! I don’t often focus on produce, because I’m a meat-eater. This book highlights the fruit and veg that’s best in each season. It explains how to choose the best produce, how to clean and store it, and offers recipes and thoughts on how to serve it. So I guess it’s not just a cookbook.

But! The recipes.

Some of them seem a little strange, at least to me — squash and vegetable stew, curried apple soup, lemon parmesan turnips — but you never know, they could be good. Branching out is probably good for me.
On my list of ‘that looks/sounds delicious and I want to cook and eat it ASAP, as in the turnip parm can wait a hot second’:

  • Hungarian ragoût: sautéed wild mushrooms with cream and spicy spices, served over noodles;
  • ramp and bacon quiche: I’ve never eaten (or heard of) ramps, but apparently they’re garlicky oniony greens. The more you know! And bacon and cheese are involved, so duh;
  • poblano peppers stuffed with cheddar and chicken: cheese, so duh again. I’d probably add bacon;
  • peach Bellini ice pops: because summer and liquor.

And now I’ve made myself hungry and I’m drooling over the pictures in this book, so it’s a-foraging I go!