Dolls Behaving Badly: A Novel for Every Woman Who’s Earned a Little Fun by Cinthia Ritchie (2013)

This was a perfectly good book until I got to the end and there were Discussion Questions. As in a book club. Is that really a thing people do? Like, not just for the wine? It seems like all that talk would ruin the story, just like grade-school book reports did. I don’t really understand how the author and/or editor(s) think this book is so high-falutin and literary it needs reading group discussion questions at the end, and yet saw fit to put blow-up dolls on the cover (and it’s a really good cover! Good imagery and symbolism; totally appropriate for the story! So eye-catching I picked it up, even though I’d never heard of the book or the author!).

But yeah.

Discussion Questions.

*swigs wine*

Wifey by Judy Blume (1978)

I’ll say only this: if you were a pre-teen the last time you picked up a book by Judy Blume (master of the pre-teen books, in case you hadn’t heard) and/or you’ve never read any of her books for adults, maybe you should read this one. Hoo boy! What MargaretDeenie, and Sheila Tubman never knew!