This All Happened: A Fictional Memoir by Michael Winter (2000)

“A fictional memoir” is a good way to describe this book. Laid out as a series of diary entries written over the course of a year, our protagonist (Gabe) explains his major life events, big struggles and decisions, as well as the everyday kind of stuff. Gabe struggles to write his novel; tries to figure out what he’s doing with his life; tries to figure out if Lydia’s really into him or if they’re really going to get married; watches his friends get married, get divorced, have babies.

Really though, it’s the everyday, mundane activities that make this book as good as it is. Canoe trips and barbeques with his friends, beers at The Ship, walking up and down the hill in front of his house, bike rides, trips to the Fluvarium, bickering with his girlfriend, kitchen parties. Even the silliest little things are described so beautifully, so delicately, with the prettiest prose. It’s lovely to read.

And as an added bonus, it’s a snapshot of the city I spent my university years in and where my parents and all my family are from. St. John’s is one of my favourite cities in the world, and although I don’t live there now, I could see myself ending up there one day. I recognized so many specific buildings and bars and gardens in this book (they mentioned a restaurant my former housemate’s family owns!), which is of course particular to people who know the city… but I think there’s something universal about this book — anyone could recognize so many of the personalities and characteristics without knowing the people or the place.

(And seriously, go back and read that wiki link on St. John’s and look at all the pics — then you’ll understand why I miss it, and maybe even convince yourself to go!)