Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women’s Prison: A Memoir by Piper Kerman (2010)

I had already seen the Netflix series based on this book, which is strange for me — I almost always read the book first. But I really had no choice, as I basically mainlined the whole first season in a single day. This book is a memoir, mostly based on real-life events (some names and details were changed), while the series is kinda sorta based on the memoir.

Many of the scenes that take place in the first season of Orange Is The New Black appear in the book in some form, and a lot of the characters are identifiable as pieces of characters in the book. I suppose you want to make the TV version as big a hit as possible, so you include the most provocative and intriguing personality characteristics, amalgamating them into bigger/better/bolder/brasher characters, and you leave out the stuff that’s a little more run-of-the-mill. A+ on making the Netflix adaptation as entertaining as it is, while staying true-ish (emphasis on the ish) to real life.

If you like reading non-fiction, sociological studies, or memoirs, you’ll probably find this book interesting. If you liked the show (and you’re excited out of your mind that the new season is out next week! I know I am!), you’ll probably find this book interesting. The book and the show are both interesting in totally different ways, if that makes any sense.

Explanations/Excuses for Absence

So I actually just moved! Not across the country or anything, but from the suburbs into the city. I’ve been taking some time to get settled in, buy furniture, etc. Not that I’ve not been reading. I’ve read a bunch of decorating books over the last few weeks. They were mostly okay, although they all kind of run together in my mind now. Some were more DIY and realistic and others were for, like, mansions. Which I obviously have not moved into. (Just a decently-sized apartment.) When my new library card from the city library comes in the mail, I’ll be sure to stock up again! It’s long past time for me to get my hands and eyes on a new book.